Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Red Hard Cube Nylon Carrying Case for Amazon Kindle 2 which INCLUDES Wristband, Screen Guard, and Ca

Red Hard Cube Nylon Carrying Case for Amazon Kindle 2 which INCLUDES Wristband, Screen Guard, and Car ChargerI REALLY like the low profile of this case. It is not bulky and fits nicely in a handbag (medium-size) or messenger bag. It is sturdy enough to give good protection from anything bumping or rubbing against it. The zippers work well too. You can read your Kindle while it is in the case, but don't expect the case to stay on very securely; it will require you to hold on to it slightly since the Kindle fits under an elastic band. But it it perfect for traveling around with your Kindle or simply storing it at home. The included accessories were a welcome addition.

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