Wednesday, April 2, 2014

EVGA PD01 PCoIP Desktop Portal

EVGA PD01 PCoIP Desktop PortalThis review is of the HD01 host card and matching PD01 desktop portal. Since they operate together I am writing the same review for both but have broken it into two sections.

The host card plugs into the x1 PCIe slot and uses a long heatsink instead of a fan for cooling. The supplied dual DVI cable plugs into the DVI output of the video card. The other connector on the card is the ethernet cable over which the USB, video and audio information is sent. The supplied ethernet cable connects to the network switch.

The Desktop Portal is silent (no fan or hard disk) and provides the connections for the keyboard, mouse, mic, headphones and local USB devices. It also supports up to two monitors via DVI cables, and to the network switch via a standard ethernet cable. Overall 3 network ports and IP numbers are used (one for the ethernet connector on the computer, one for the host card and one for the portal)

With everything connected and powered up the portal and card found each other and connected without issue using DHCP assigned IP numbers. Out of the box in less than 30 minutes I had moved my desktop PC to the utility closet and now have a silent workstation in my home office! Neither normal usage, nor watching a 1080 HD video (such as showed any signs of delay, packet loss or compression.

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